Friday, July 16, 2010

Topic Proposal

  1. What is the guiding question for your analysis of the text? What do I want to learn more about? What war is this book talking about? Is this WWIII? What could the war be all about? Oil? Money? I want to learn about what countries are involved in this war, how the world got to this point, and how it may end. Could this be about religion and lose of freedom? It seems that war has always been etched into our history.
  2. What topic do you plan to research that will help you answer your guiding question? Well, I would look at some kind of war topic. Perhaps the holocaust. War and slavery were involved with the holocaust. I need to look into a family or person who survived this terrible tragedy and learn from that. I don’t know if Anne Franks would be a good place to start. I don’t know if I am even going into the right direction. But, Anne Franks could give me some great correlations between her and Offred; some similar stories. Could there be some tokens? A black market? I don’t know.
  3. Why did you choose this topic? How will it help you better understand Atwood?

The war is why all of this is happening to the girls; wanting to get pregnant, the secrets, and the Commander. How the world got to this point. It is interesting to correlate between fiction and nonfiction. To relate the two is strange. I think this could help me to better understand Atwood because during war, people do things to survive.

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